Charity is
young, educated and beautiful and she has a huge sense of humour. She has a
sweet-sounding voice that makes the heart of many men race in circles from just
hearing her on the phone.
in love with Samson but is scared of meeting him face-to-face. They have been
lovers for over a month. Yes, lovers through their phones and computers. She doesn’t
want to lose Samson like she lost Audu. Samson is so romantic on the phone and sends
her recharge pin codes and a dozen love lines every day.
was equally sweet and adoring until he met her in person and fled out of her
life like a scared dog with its tail between its legs. And so she prefers to
keep playing with Samson and enjoying the feeling of loving and being loved
from afar.
and Samson became friends – lovers – through the help of a radio “finding the
right partner” programme. It was the same way she met Audu. She and Samson
spend their nights talking about all the things young lovers talk about.
Midnight free calls have made it easy for them. They sing to each other and
make a million promises to each other – all on the phone.
Samson has reached that point where kissing
Charity on the phone is no longer enough. He must see this nightingale with the
angelic and sexy voice! Charity has lied with almost everything possible to
avoid meeting Samson face-to-face. She is scared because she has come to love
Samson so much. She is sure he’ll run away after meeting her…just like Audu
did. Her pictures on Facebook reveal only her beautiful face. Nothing more. It’s
‘Face’ Book after all!
Charity is in a predicament. Should she confront her love, face-to-face and
risk losing him or go on playing her game of hide-and-seek? How does she begin
to explain that she’s a cripple on wheelchair - a victim of an incompetent old
woman’s (her mother prefers witch!)play at midwifery?
Yes, her parents have trained her to be a lady.
Yes, a man who truly loves a woman will overlook her disability. But will
Samson overlook hers? Should she confront Samson with her disability or go on
enjoying the hide-and-seek game? Leave your comments. Do you have a story to share? Send to idaagostory@yahoo.com
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