Waitress sues bar after she was forced to wear a schoolgirl uniform with a FAN blowing up her skirt
Thursday, Jun 28 2012
5-Day Forecast
Courtney Scaramella, 23, a former
waitress at a California sportsbar, says she was fired after she refused
to slip into a revealing skirt while slinging beers.Ms Scaramella said that the outfit was indecent, made her job difficult to perform, and that it objectified her and her coworkers.
She now wants unspecified damages from O'Hara's in Westwood, but the bar fired back and said she was never unfairly terminated, she quit.

Angry: Courtney Scaramella, 23, a former
waitress at a California sportsbar, says she was fired after she refused
to slip into a revealing skirt while slinging beers

Humiliated: Ms Scaramella said that the outfit
was indecent, made her job difficult to perform, and that it objectified
her and her coworkers
Then, new managers took over and replaced her black slacks and blouse uniform with a skimpy plaid skirt.
'It wasn't fair to me, it wasn't fair to the other girls who were working there,' she said. 'Everyone was offended by it. Nobody wanted to do it, but unfortunately, jobs are hard to come by right now and some people were stuck.'
Ms Scaramella said she tried the skirts on for a few days, but wasn't comfortable working in them. She was vocal about her disappointment and sent the new owners a letter that detailed her problems with the outfit.
In response to her note, the skirts were dropped, but Ms Scaramella's hours were drastically reduced and her shifts were changed to less desirable ones, she says.

Barred: She now wants unspecified damages from
O'Hara's in Westwood, but the bar fired back and said she was never
unfairly terminated, she quit
'They just can’t treat people like this,' said Ms Scaramella. 'What’s right is right and this was not fair.'
Her and her attorney filed a formal lawsuit against the bar on May 24, demanding unspecified damages for sexual harassment, wrongful termination and unpaid wages.

Change: Ms Scaramella said that she worked at the bar without incident for four years as a happy employee
In addition to wearing 'embarrassing' attire, cocktail waitresses were asked to rate female customers on a scale of 1 - 10 and offer free shots to those women that scored a 6 or higher.
The worst offense, however, was that the managers placed a fan below the registers that blew up the mini-skirts the cocktail waitresses were forced to wear.
'She was not fired, she quit,' said the bar's attorney Roger H. Licht to CBS. 'They plan on fighting this all the way to the end to prove that the claims are baseless.'
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