pages paperback
Publisher: Chipmunka
publishing, UK, 2011.
terms of sheer size and quality, SPAIN has her own DON QUIXOTE DE LA MANCHA novel
via Miguel de Cervantes Saavedra, died 1616 age 68 years; CHINA came up with
DREAM OF THE RED CHAMBER the novel by Cao Xueqin 1715 or 1724 to 1763 or 1764; RUSSIA
has her own WAR AND PEACE novel through count Leo Tolstoy, September 9 1828 to
November 20 1910; FRANCE has her own LES MISERABLES novel by Victor Hugo 26
February 1802 – 22 May 1885 age 83 years; INDIA has her own A SUITABLE BOY novel
as authored by Vikram Seth, June 20 1952; and, now behold NIGERIA with his own novel
IN THE MIDST OF LOAFERS. And yet to come is the better one titled PHOTOCOPIES
& ORIGINAL, 980 pages also by Omohan Ebhodaghe, February 16 1961.
Ebhodaghe was born in Lagos, Nigeria. He attended the universities of Benin and
Lagos. He co-edited an anthology of poems and stories titled TWENTY NIGERIAN
WRITERS: PORTRAITS. He is also the author of HIGHTOWER. A former teacher, he
was the 1993-4 publicity secretary of the Association of Nigerian Authors,
Lagos state chapter. He lives and works in London, UK, courtesy of a British
Council, Lagos office assistance.
One: Chapters One to Four (OUTLOOK)
Two: Chapters One to Six (MOVEMENT)
Three: Chapters One to Seven (SCHEMING)
Four: Chapters One to Five (ACTIVITIES)
Five: Chapters One to Six (PREPARATIONS)
Six: Chapters One to Fifteen (ONSLAUGHT)
Seven: Chapters One to Two (SALVAGE)
(2) CITY
945 pages of a literary novel IN THE MIDST OF LOAFERS is bifocal. It is about
royal academic greatness. With eight books of varied chapters in each, its
first page opens In Medias Res “ Yet, you’re not one of our showbusiness
pastors of the expressway church fame as Esiri wants us to believe but alas an
American-styled adjunct professor in bloom if you don’t know, “ page 30 UK
edition, and thereafter the first four chapters centred attention, in
flashbacks, on a group of religious and non-religious people who behave as each
does and within or outside of the academic life of some of them on an imaginary
university campus or so-called the Metropolitan University of Benin with
campuses at Ekehuan and Ugbowo or the acronym MUB.
in a cinematic epic format, it uses the holistic approach in presenting the
various issues raised in the novel and that included selfish human desires.
Thus, it mixes dramatic actions with pragmatic realism with poetic wisdom as
undertone. It also explores the historical development of a city, somewhere in West
Africa, from its early beginnings and speculates about the socio-political and
aesthetic future of MUB and the state within the comity of nations.
main storyline therefore runs through the main themes of madness and endurance
and the main character Okoekpen Okonofua Junior, and what other characters
gained from him or that they each lost to him.
Okonofua Junior, an undergraduate student at MUB is put against formidable
obstacles in the home, at school, at the religious premises and the ordinarily
perceived playgrounds of old Bendel state of Nigeria. At home he must face
Omoakhuana. At school is Amadasun. Mo Debe Edegbe is for the church. And the
playgrounds have to do with Ojame as a friend’s older cousin with a wounded
ego. They claimed Okonofua was mad. Here also we saw the exploration of his
riotous relationship with the extroverted Ekaette.
Okonofua has to pass through these forces not only for his survival but also
for his growth towards adulthood. Each character therefore wants what he
Okoekpen already had initially as in Ekaette or would want to have as in formal
education and or money. As a consequence, each became vicious, scheming and
using willing folks to achieve their stated aims as in the unwitting use of Mr
Okonofua Senior by Omoakhuana at the home front and at the public arena Dr Okoroafor
Agbamien by Amadasun among others.
outcome in such incendiary activities is the conflicts not only of willpower
but also of morality. Whoever is socially successful still has to contend with
the seared conscience. Therefore Amadasun acquired his degree and lectureship;
Edegbe gets the family properties and Ekaette as wife; Ojame gets the
government parastatal job and social status; and, of course, his stepmother Omoakhuana
secured her husband’s favour and the family wealth in trust for herself and
offspring. Okonofua Junior, on the other hand, had the good life of a practical
ethicist with poetic wisdom in a contemporary Benin city of chaos and
corruption, as it were.
conclusion, Okoekpen got what others lost and lost what others got. He lost
Ekaette to Edegbe, family wealth to his stepmother, university lectureship to
Amadasun and social status to Ojame. The others lost peace of mind, that is,
the poignancy and wisdom to live a better, healthier life as only the person enjoying
it can feel within himself or herself behind closed doors and this with a name
that both preceded him and lasted.
thematic thrust of the 945 page novel is madness as in pages 658, 661, 691, 718
and 762 of the literary fiction. It is bifocal, as in being particular and
general. The primary readers are taught and research Ph D students or postdoctoral
fellows; then those with a BA or BSc and MA or MSc and are intelligent; and,
then, those with vocational qualifications who are naturally intellectuals as
would other keen and discerning students at the formal university level. As a
short term usage, it is especially useful to tourists, secondary school and
college students as well as the general adult readers as a literary enthusiast.
particular aspect of the bifocal overview of the literary novel is the quest of
the lyrical personal or hero or protagonist Okoekpen Okonofua Junior that used
the In Medias Res format in its first four chapters. Okoekpen in the Esan
language of the people of Edo state in Nigeria means the child of peace.
Okonofua is a white child, with connotative effects vis-à-vis the cosmology,
aestheticism, moral philosophies, academic prowess, the anthropological and touristic
possibilities of the Idunwele villagers of Ewu in Edo state of the older Bendel
state. Set in a fictional university campus called the Metropolitan University
of Benin or MUB, with names of other real universities placed side by side to
create the effect of verisimilitude, other themes that engaged the author
include literary terms, lesbianism, paedophilia, feminism, corruption,
historical development of Edoland, linguistics, love, revenge, domestic family
squabbles, self-reliance, spirituality, entrepreneurial efforts, deficiency in
public infrastructure or utilities like water supplies, good roads, lack of
housing estates, electricity power supply, serenity of Idunwele village life
and social chaos.
when the novel IN THE MIDST OF LOAFERS is ready or published eventually, and
you climbed up the descriptive or rather analytical passages from page one to
one hundred that are the mountain Everest of the work, then, when at the
summit, so as to come face to face with the eagle on mountain Everest, as it
were, then you could relax and savour the juices that are the dialogues and
characterization and this up to the end of the epic novel that is written in a
cinematic form.
OKOEKPEN OKONOFUA JUNIOR, the lead character is a first son of Okonofua Senior
as recreated in flashbacks and In Medias Res in the first four chapter format.
23 years old, he enters the Metropolitan university of Benin on his own effort.
In a Benin society of a survivalist nature, rank and file individuals cheat in
one form or another and yet lay flip flop accusations on others and wait for
personal material progress or publicly acknowledged happiness that never
arises. The facts from Omoakhuana or Ojame or Edegbe or Dr Agbamien he realised
were utterly opposite to the truth that their actual negative actions inflicted
on him. At the end, he experiences a final escape from the broad road, streets,
avenues or footpaths of mankind with their confused layered claims to public
goodness yet tread for that narrow road of eternal bliss reserved for one or
two folks from each generation with a true sense of righteousness.
AMADASUN OGOMUDIA, 25 years, is the typical Edo opportunist who fought real and
imaginary enemies in order to be featured in the media, for first positions in
class, playgrounds or workplace, to be the person to secure the available plum
jobs or monetary favours from foreign donors. A spy for his lecturers, he used
everybody to achieve his goals.
MO DEBE EDEGBE. Mo is Moses. A 36 years old junior civil servant of the old
school of fawning and perpetual mental and social servitude to colonial ideals
and who was on a four years leave to acquire a qualification necessary for
social mobility in a corrupt Benin city civil service system, he is equally a
church elder of the sect of the local Jehovah’s Witnesses whose brutality if
crossed knew no equal.
AGBOGIDI OJAME EGUA, 32 years, is the inherently unqualified civil or public
servant whose survival rested on using others qualifications, positions or name
to feather his own nest. Thus, he is easily able to ruin any person who
threatened his future.
OMOAKHUANA OKONOFUA SENIOR, nee AFEGBUA, is a 42 years old second wife who at
the office or marketplace came across more as a 28 years old waistline rolling,
rumbling, wobbling or undulating akpoleyeke or a psychedelic Bini damsel in
outlook. Her raunchy talk of explicit sexual nature does not deprive her from
killing if possible her stepson in order to get the family wealth
) EKAETTE UDO. Also known as Akaette, the 24 years old. She is the face of the
emerging Nigeria who aimed for the politically democratised freedom of north
America while desperate to hold onto the traditional sense of respectability
accorded women with formal academic qualifications, in top positions or wedded
to public figures and elected figures. Yet, unlike in north America where a
female has a choice to do good or refrain, in Benin city that human rights is
unattainable when faced with satanic intents of men behind closed doors at
homes, offices or hotels; a malignant social malaise amongst those with visible
affluence and higher education and in which some women are willing participants
as Ekaette wedded Mo Debe Edegbe or play leading roles in. Hence Ekaette’s
double standards in her adopted Bendel state even as a medical student.
old, is a metaphor of the morally subhuman African elite with a doctorate who
thrives only where social infrastructure were put in place by bricklayers,
plumbers, electricians, roadside mechanics, seamstress as better role models of
practical values that he loathed. With a former classmate and friend like Osime
his return to the USA is a parasitic way of paradoxically reaping where he did
not sow.
OMOGBAI AFUZE is that 28 years old personality with otherwise serious intents
whilst in bed but who acted out as a joker who does the dirty biddings of other
socially and economically better placed people in public without shame.
UNCLE OKILO, 37, lean, stoic with a dopey-face kind of a book lover, he is that
good-natured man like Jumobi or Adiza who is a churchgoer but with a private
lifestyle that is of a better quality as an Ezon pragmatist, with a silent and reserved
countenance to match. He entered MUB as an experienced adult. OBASOGIE ASOMWAN,
a 41 years old male with a respectable traditional wife and three birth
children back home, he is a bout of jokes with teenage undergraduates with
foreign airs of make-belief sophistication yet he finds joy in rubbing minds
with the same teenagers or young adults as domestic life contrasted sharply
with the university air of freedom, liberty, material acquisition, cafes, staff
clubs, glamour or student restaurants catering for wealthy and pretenders alike
if the price is right. OGHENETEGA OTERI, the plain-looking 26 years old pharmacy
student, in order to get friends or a semblance of it, fights other people’s
wars while her domestic problems remain. A member of a religious sect, she
plays the holier than thou role of a typical Isoko woman with a morally rotten
past that she blames on parents and society solely. ONOLENLEN IKPOBA-HILLS, 38
years, is a senior staff nurse whose office boss is ten times treated better
than a legal husband of hers back home. With a desire to uphold a lifestyle of
drugs, parties or sexual escapades begun in junior secondary school, she finds
a soul mate in Omoakhuana and other schoolteachers as crude feminists. OKPOME MALAIKA
OHUAN-SHOKPEKA is a 19 and half years old who grew up in the wild wild west
suburb of Idumota in Lagos and so hardened for life. Once a squatter with
Ekaette, Mo Debe Edegbe used her as an informant whose corrupting ways within
their Pentecostal church would then be condone if she does the bidding of her
male elders as equally wicked bosses. UDEME ANICHEBE, is the 17 years old otherwise
clever lass who is overworked and underpaid housemaid, also called UD by mates
or Ude by her madam’s children. She was given out as a purchased property by
Igbo parents who were originally from Ngbidi in the old Anambra state and with
already 14 offspring the father cannot feed, house or clothe at his relative age
of 39 with primary school qualification, an office messenger job with petty farming
on government lands and an illiterate fulltime housewife of 36 years. OKONOFUA
SENIOR, 52 years old, is wholly self-effacing, although easily used by his
second wife Omoakhuana to get at his first son Okonofua Junior. A man of remorse
at the end, his wife still prevailed over his assisting his son. OKUMAGBA WADO ODUMAGBA is the 25 years old
primary school mate of Okoekpen whose house became his second home as his upper
class taste did not find a corresponding ally at the GRA and more so when his
spirit sought the lower and working middle class folks as friends especially. OKEKE
UGBOKWE is the 34 years old shrewd Igbo man and a former trader who did a
bachelor’s degree in health science at the university of Ife in the western
region of Nigeria before relocating to MUB also as a local church elder for an
MBBS degree in medicine. Class conscious he loathed Okonofua whom he rejected
for Debe as a better choice for his medical student counterpart Ekaette. MODUPU OWOBU, a 42 years old, is the supple
Benin woman of an unconditional and so a hundred percent surrender sort of mentality
once in love and as she was imbued in a vast knowledge of a conjugal nature of
raw animals and a soul who has travelled far and wide with scores of
boyfriends, lovers and other male hangers-on, especially church elders who took
advantage of her financially and sexually. OROME AFE, a portable figure, trim,
dark and posh, she is 19 and able to hold her own amongst males who could be thrice
her age and this she did in matters of coitus, social partying or academic
matters as she has links with Great Britain where her father schooled at. JUMOBI
EJIROGHENE, is the huge, lanky and
super-shy 32 years old of lady with genuine self-respect who preaches regularly.
She is unlucky in love even with Okonofua but a gentle giant in physique and
this despite her good deeds that she easily offers people and as enshrined in
her Pentecostal religious doctrines. NWAKAEGO UGBO, is the 17 years old
Imaguero college junior secondary school dropout as a result of diverse reasons
and who ended up at a hotel to ply her trade as a commercial sex worker who
laughed at the so-called good society of Benin city and indeed the world to
scorn. Her use of language she claims emanated from several encounters with top
flight businessmen in Benin society as her sexual customers. UNIBEN and MUB
lecturers also make up a large proportion of her clients. Besides, she is also
self-educated via the media outlets of newspaper readings, listening to radio
stations especially the BBC World service, Radio France International and the
VOA Africa programmes. JAFARU IGEDU EMOATA, 24 years old, is the Imobighe the silent
one at the backside of the Oyiya church place of worship but who became
agitated and tried to challenge his body of elders at their regional
headquarters at Igieduma where he died on his way via a motor accident. ELDER
AMUTA AMIEGBE-AFIEGBE, 49, is the worldly-wise insurance agent and banker who
doubled as the new presiding officer or overseer of Oyiya congregation that
Okonofua, Ekaette and Edegbe also attended. ELDER OLIHA OGIDA, 68, is the older
and former presiding officer and the de facto pleaser. Also a weakling, with a
wife and children to cater for, he used his position to get financial rewards
from the socially privileged Ekaette and dealt injustice to Okonofua whom he
took as poor and a church rat or floor member to be used and got rid of as
practised widely in Benin city. COLONEL ETIM INYANG, 45, is a semi-illiterate man with
brutal ways but courted royalty, class and wealth as a lover of front seats at
social functions could as well do. GARY OSIME PHILLIPS, 42 years old, a former
course mate and friend of Dr Agbamien, is the symbolic unfriendly, unloving banker,
corporate company executive, city trader or stock exchange broker who married
wealth and so used mainly college and junior university students as mere playthings
who came to him for financial favours. His speeches are loaded with sexual
innuendoes common with buddies in men’s gatherings or wholly men’s only clubs. ADIZA
OMOSENOBULA, 21 years old, she emerged the best all-round student in her class,
the department and challenges her lecturers who found her as one of the fewer
benefits of enduring as a teacher who gets his or her brain stimulated once in
a while. Yet, she is that one whom her cruel society relegated to substandard
jobs and lower pay while her former course mates as dullards become Nollywood
A-list celebrities, executive state governors and high-flying military officers
with billionaire, fleets of cars, palatial estates to show for it. ADAMA
NURUDEEN, 23 years old she is the daughter of the chairman of the Nigerian
Peugeot Automobile company in Kaduna and so lives a posh upper class lifestyle that
attracted loafers to her well-equip room for food and cash yet she came to the
rescue of Okonofua as a natural lover and this after he has been harassed by
Oghenetega and Debe rounded up rushed at, beaten and left for death by enraged
on-campus students. As a friend, she was one or two of those who visited
Okonofua at his home. The 53 years old professor Esiri Oshevire Ikpasaja is a
sly man who claimed to be polymath only before students whom he insisted are
civil servants and who spent over 24 months for an MA as a graduate student abroad
and was made a professor after 53 years. The 28 years old Omame Osusu is a
quiet one who is neither rich or famous. The 26 years old Olu Agbepo, like the
26 years old Victor Omonode, has his physicality that his massive manhood
symbolised to thank for bedding beautiful locals and hungry older women in and
outside of the religious premises and ladies who laid claims to some education,
decent jobs and comfortable dwelling. The wicked 42 years old Justus Izogholo
has a church eldership post as his claim to existence and molestation of mainly
older spinsters who get excommunicated if they challenged his orders of sexual
dalliances also; with his base as a church elder he compares himself favourably
with paid civil servants or business people. The 30 years old Motope Onibon-Onobun
is a typical Benin city woman of mixed aspects of tradition and cultures as
guide. The 26 years old Igbinosa Evboneka as his name suggested is only a human
being with no dine to his name yet. The 26 years old Effiong is light
complexioned and a storky game playing and classmate and roommate of Okonofua
with a strident voice that makes him as an average student to excel in exams that
ironically he did not read too much for. The 26 years old Imobighe Orieso is
the silent one who makes troublemakers feel threatened, guilty and so never
wanted him around their homes but tolerated him at their churchyard. He is also
the voice used by the writer when in a lengthy philosophical statement when
Ogidigan Emoata was heading for Ehor town. The 31 years old Sokari Emmaus is verbally
unfazed, unashamed, repeated her history degree programme and a wholly
self-confessed father hater outright and a lesbian as others rumoured whose
revenges on men becomes a thing of beauty that attracts both men and women to
herself. The 27 years old Fatima Agenebode is the initially lovesick girl
turned an extrovert middle class medical student with no real friends on campus
but who wanted Okoekpen for sex. Big-breasted, she is a Muslim who is
intelligent and taught Oko personal organisation. Violent, she was the one to
try to ruin him as she loathed being jittered. The 29 years old Orobator Ebagua
Erhahon is the ravishing 29 years old man whose future graduation Hippocratic
oath or bioethical principles of autonomy, beneficence, non-maleficence and
justice already contrasted sharply with his inner motives ever since his junior
secondary school days and this as love was not his forte and whom equally sly
or gullible ladies opted for coitus that was legendary and this after the
ladies gladly shun desirable gentlemen of principles and only to complain later
that all men want cash, sex and slaves and so are no good, etc, especially
during their midlife crises
are other characters well over 350 that represent in number only the tribes in
of Poems & Stories, ANA Lagos Publications, 1993. Co-editor
HIGHTOWER, Poetry, 2007, Africa World Press, Trenton, New Jersey, USA.
works: -
ONLY FOOLS DIE and other stories, 213 pages
A HEART OF THEIR OWN and other stories 141 pages
A CASUALTY OF TIME and other stories 215 pages
A gargantuan edifice of a novel.
ReplyDeleteI particularly enjoyed reading the academic scenes that have great philosophical depth never before seen in Nigerian or African literatures in recent times.
ReplyDeleteOmohan Ebhodaghe's first novel IN THE MIDST OF LOAFERS is difficult, rare, enthralling as it is unputdownable. He is certainly the king of modern Nigerian and indeed African novels. It is befitting, therefore, that he remains in London, UK, as the home of constitutional monarchy.